The next step of the Crossroads Europe Project will be dedicated to Climate Change and will be a chance for the participants to debate with and to be informed by policy-makers and civil society organisations on their policy approach towards the Climate issue, at an international, national and local level.
Address this topic with: MEP Alessandra Moretti – Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Alberto Bellini -University of Bologna, Filippo Pieri – Regional Secretary CISL Emilia-Romagna region (Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori), Alberto Majocchi – University of Pavia and, Rita Tedesco, Climate & Energy programme manager, ECOS – European Environmental Citizens‘ Organisation for Standardisation.
More speakers to be confirmed soon.
Click the links below to register
JAN 25 – Climate Change, desertification and the migration issue
ONLINE – 21.00 CET
JAN 29 – Session 1: Environment, climate and health at the time of Covid – 19
ONLINE – 17.00 – 18.45 CET
Session 2: Emilia-Romagna, new pact for work and the climate
ONLINE – 19.00 – 20.45 CET
JAN 30 – Session 1: Sustainable cities and communities
ONLINE – 9.45 – 11.00 CET
Session 2: Green Deal: the EU response to climate change
ONLINE, 11.15 – 12.30 CET
The event will be held in Italian.
EFB Oberösterreich EFB Österreich
EFB OÖ Kamingespräch 2024: „Der Wandel des österreichischen politischen Systems im europäischen Kontext“
Beim diesjährigen Kamingespräch am 11. Dezember 2024 war es der EFB OÖ eine besondere Ehre, mit dem hochdekorierten Politikwissenschaftler Univ.-Prof. Dr. Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik von der Universität Wien (Institut für Staatswissenschaften) diskutieren zu dürfen. Als Referent Weiterlesen…